REVIEW: That Texas Blood #1
Originally written for FlipGeeks.
THAT TEXAS BLOOD #1 is a modern Western story of a county sheriff in Texas where we follow his day of his 70th birthday. Rather than taking the usual tradition of taking the day off, the story goes to his activities as to his job. But the issue ends that just make you want to pick up the second issue.
The script by Chris Condon is rather good. It is steady. It has humor. And it has baggage. What I liked was Condon sets up the story’s activities of the main character that would make a reader initially feel how layman and mundane. But the writing of these are quite exceptional because these activities with exchanges of dialogue would also hint the reader how simplistic and ritual the sheriff’s life is on his job in this county of Texas.
The art by Jacob Phillips is pleasant to look at and read through. His visual storytelling is well-paced and smooth. His detail of character expression in on par.
THAT TEXAS BLOOD #1’s script and art both felt right. If there is something that I had a problem about, its the first issue’s onomatopoeias. In addition, the comic provides a Spotify playlist that would complement a reader’s immersion to this ongoing series.
THAT TEXAS BLOOD #1 is a nice and solid introductory chapter. And I’d like to read more of it.